For information our next year's Charter Dinner is booked.
It takes place on Saturday 11th October 2025 at Thornbury Golf Club
Charter Dinner 12 October 2024
Last weekend Thornbury Lions celebrated its 37th anniversary at our annual Charter dinner at Thornbury Golf Club. Distinguished guests included the first and second Vice District Governors and Zone Chairman, we were also joined by members from surrounding clubs and friends. The club reflected on the success of its bookshop, which has helped many local and national organisations and worldwide disaster appeals over the past twelve months. Two members also received long service chevrons, and a special award went to a member in recognition of his commitment to the club over the past 37 years. The evening finished with some great entertainment provided by Ukulele Jam.
Our invitation letter is below.
Changeover Dinner, 30th June 2024
Terry Hunt stepped down as President and welcomed Pete Fish into the role. Lion Terry thanked all members for their support during his tenure, during which over £30,000 has been donated to local and national charities and worldwide disaster appeals. The club thanked Terry for leading the club over the past 12 months and wished Pete every success. Terry is one of the founding Charter members of the club 37 years ago, during which he has been President for 5 years and club Secretary for 32 years.
One of Terrys initiatives over the past 12 months was the ‘Books for Schools’ campaign, which resulted in 12 Primary schools and 2 Secondary schools in Thornbury and surrounding area receiving much needed funds to purchase books. This was greatly appreciated by the schools.
One of Terrys initiatives over the past 12 months was the ‘Books for Schools’ campaign, which resulted in 12 Primary schools and 2 Secondary schools in Thornbury and surrounding area receiving much needed funds to purchase books. This was greatly appreciated by the schools.
Charter Dinner 7 October 2023
Our 2023 Charter Dinner took place at the Thornbury Golf Club. They looked after us very well and we finished the evening with some great entertainment provided by Ukulele Jam.
(with apologies to Ukelele Jam for the sound quality.)
Presidential Handover from Derrick to Terry in June 2023
In June 2023 Lion Derrick stepped down as Thornbury Lions President and welcomed Lion Terry into the role. Derrick thanked all members for their support during his tenure, during which over £28,000 had been donated to local and national charities and worldwide disaster appeals. The club thanked Derrick for leading the club over the past 12 months and wished Terry every success. Terry is one of the founding Charter members of our club 36 years ago and this is his fifth year of being President.
Club Charter Dinner in October 2022